"It is a token of health and gentle characteristics when women of high thoughts and accomplishments love to sew; especially as they are never more at home with their own hearts than while so occupied." ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne

Monday, October 10, 2011

WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! Pam of Basketsnprims

Congratulations Pam!! You are the winner of my pumpkin pillow drawing!! My sweet husband picked the winner.......and it was Pam of basketsnprims!! We should have made a "u-tube" video of our goings on this evening!! My computer has a virus, so we had to "make-do" and use my husbands lap top and to take a picture we had to use the "ipad"....after a few trial and errors we found the correct buttons to push, picture was sent to my email address and here we go!!! Goodness why does this always happen when you need to post something!! Most of you are already tucked into bed and will not see this post until morning. I really appreciate all your lovely comments. Thank you all for following my blog, I hope to post more pictures of our remodeling.......my computer is going to the "computer doctor" tomorrow and hopefully I will be back to my regular way of posting!! Hope this finds you and yours enjoying a lovely Autumn Day!!
Primitive Blessings!! Mona


TheCrankyCrow said...

WOO HOO & Big Congratulations to Pam!! Couldn't have gone to anyone sweeter....What a wonderful giveaway Mona - hope your 'puter gets better soon. Arghhh...dang viruses! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Farmhouse prims said...

Congratulations to Pam, it couldn't go to a better person. And thank you for hosting an awesome giveaway! Lecia

frontporchprims said...

Congrats Pam. I bet you will find just the right spot for that amazing pillow. -Steph-

Deb said...

Congratulations to Pam and thanks for a lovely giveaway Mona. Sorry about the computer virus, hope the 'doc' gets everything fixed up and back to normal for you. Ain't technology grand that you can take pictures with your phone to email to your laptop to post on the internet?! Deb

Beckyjean said...

Big congrats to Pam!!!

Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!!

Enjoy your evening~Becky

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Wow, Pam, Congratulations! Pam was also a winner of The Primitive Hare's giveaway. Go, girl.
Warm Regards,

Raymond Homestead said...

Congrats to Pam! Hate to hear about your computer. :-(

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Congratulations Pam!
Thanks Mona for hosting a wonderful giveaway!
Bummer about your computer ~ that just recently happened to me, except I got the screen of death and had to buy a new computer.
Hope you can get yours fixed soon.
Prim Blessings